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Mark your calendars to attend our Bible Conference which will be held on Friday, January 31 through Sunday, February 2, 2014.

Live Stream HERE


Session III

Session II


Session I

Reverend Neil Stewart, pastor of Kirk O’ the Isles Presbyterian Church in Savannah, Georgia, will be the guest speaker. He has served there for almost 8 years. A 1995 graduate of the Queens University School of Medicine in Northern Ireland and a Member of the Royal College of Physicians, he worked as a pediatrician in the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children before leaving his homeland to study at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS. Neil also pastored in Yazoo City, MS, during which time he became good friends with Pastor Hill, filling the St. Paul Presbyterian Church pulpit on several occasions.

Neil is married to Catherine and together they are the happy parents of Hannah (17), Benjamin (10), Eleah Marie (8), Josiah (6), Samuel (4), and Eliza Kate is expected in March.


6:00-7:00pm Catered BBQ Dinner in Fellowship Hall

7:15-8:15pm First Session: Having a Home with God in Grace
(Psalm 87)

9:00-9:30am Continental Breakfast in Fellowship Hall

9:30-10:30am Second Session: Running Home to God in
Trouble (Psalm 46)

10:30-11:00am Break
11:00-12:00pm Third Session: Longing for Home with God in the
World (Psalm 84)

9:30-10:20am Renovating a Home for God with Sinners
(Sunday School) (Titus)

10:45-12:00pm Going Home to God with Jesus (Psalm 23)
(Morning Worship)

12:30pm Fellowship Lunch

Nursery care (ages 0-3) will be available for all sessions Friday- Saturday and during Sunday Morning Worship.

A children’s program will run concurrent with the sessions on Friday evening and Saturday morning.